Friday 23 September 2016

Friday's Assignment

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role Play: Breaking Bad Habits
  2. Write an email to a friend struggling with an unhealthy habit like smoking or alcohol, and suggest a hobby as a replacement, e.g. painting. 
Hello Tom,
How long  time haven't seen you. How about you now? Are you still smoking? Smoking is really bad for your health. I hope you can change this habit. How about chewing gum instead of smoking? By the way, colour pencil's painting is very popular now, it can relieve your stress. So if you feel boring or upset  try it,  you will find the interesting.                            
    1. Use the lessons you learnt from this week.
    2. Publish your writing artefact on your e-portfolio.

1 comment:

  1. What a great email! Some suggestions:
    1. Check for fragments, run-on sentences, and comma splices.
    2. How about + V-ing or V?
    3. "Feel boiling"?
